1st joint Meeting of the PPEU and the PPI (May 4, 2020)
Pirates everywhere! we hereby invite to the historical first joint meeting of the PPEU and the PPI Board on May 17th 2020 at…
The Pirate Party in Europe
Pirates everywhere! we hereby invite to the historical first joint meeting of the PPEU and the PPI Board on May 17th 2020 at…
Last week, the ICANN board of directors rejected a very controversial proposal to change of control and entity conversion with potentially harmful repercussions.…
Brussels – April 30, 2020 – The US Senate is currently discussing a bill collectively referred to as the EARN IT Act. This…
Pirate MEP Marcel Kolaja: The next upcoming legislation reforming fundamental rules governing the Internet in Europe is the Digital Services Act. It will…
Pirate MEP Marcel Kolaja: As part of the gradual lifting of confinement measures, the Commission published on April 16 an EU toolbox, developed…
Ahoi Pirates! we hereby invite you to the next board meeting of the PPEU on May 3rd 2020 at 20:00 CEST. It is…
Since recurring human rights abuses from China needs to be addressed, we urge the European Commission to call upon the Chinese government to finally…
Dear Pirates, our first nine months in the European Parliament are over and we would like to introduce our regular newsletter. We would…
PHOTO: Ministero Difesa: Emergenza #Covid19: controlli stradali per il rispetto delle disposizioni contro il coronavirus. CC BY-NC 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/, https://flic.kr/p/2iQeFP3 Pirate Party of…
The Internet, 17 April 2020 – Today, the European Pirates voted against a resolution of the European Parliament, which calls on social network operators…