Brussels, 09/06/2021 – Today, the European Parliament will approve a resolution on the EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade. [1 ] While the European Pirates support most of the text, which aims at implementing and maintaining secure and reliable network and information systems, infrastructure and connectivity, it falls short of what would be needed. In addition, parts of the strategy do not properly respect fundamental rights of EU citizens’ online.
Marcel Kolaja, Vice-President of the European Parliament and Czech Pirate Party MEP, comments:
“I am really glad to see that the Parliament recognizes that Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) underpins the Internet’s infrastructure and encourages further use of the FOSS model, as it has proven to be efficient and effective. That is a very important step to ensure security of critical infrastructure and important digital services. To mitigate the risks of cyberattacks, it is fundamental that software and hardware manufacturing offer the necessary transparency.”
German Pirate Party MEP Patrick Breyer comments:
“The EU’s cybersecurity strategy is a step in the right direction, but it is incomplete and needs improving. In order to be able to take effective and timely action against cyber-attacks, security vulnerabilities would need to be consistently fixed instead of governments making use of them for hacking and intercepting. This irresponsible and hypocritical approach is among the reasons for the recent rise in cyberattacks. Also, today’s resolution misses the opportunity to stress the inviolability of encrypted private communications. Strong encryption is essential to our personal safety as well as to safeguarding business and state secrets.”
[1] Motion for a Resolution on the EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade (2021/2568(RSP)):
For further details and media inquiries please contact:
Nikolaus Riss for German and English +436769694000
Tomáš Polák for Czech and English +420728035059
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