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Fit for 55: Pirates support package accelerating gas independence

Strasbourg, 14/09/2022 –Today, the European Parliament approved ambitious versions of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED 2) and the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED), both part of the Fit for 55 climate package. According to Pirate Party Members, the new rules will make Europe’s energy mix free of Russian gas and excessive emissions and will facilitate the emergence of community energy or synthetic fuels.

MEP Mikuláš Peksa, Chairperson of the European Pirate Party andmember of the ITRE Committee, comments:

Almost all European countries are already producing more energy from renewable sources than they had originally planned. We’ve  agreed to increase the share of renewables in total energy consumption to 45%. We will push for technological upgrades that will increase energy efficiency measures in various fields such as heating and cooling, buildings and industry. This will make it possible to reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian gas much faster than in 2030.

“It’s also crucial that the new rules will not affect any steps by which the European Commission or the national governments are counteracting the sky-rocketing energy prices. I’m also glad that in both directives, the prevailing approach is to encourage the development of new technologies and their faster deployment. For example, this is reflected by the commitment to ensure that 5% of newly installed power generation capacity will work with innovative technologies.”

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