Press release

Cannabis legalisation: Czech Pirates introduce impact assessment

Prague/Brussels, 25/10/2022 – Regulating the cannabis market in the Czech Republic would generate tens of millions of euros per year, an expert study now confirms. An executive summary of the impact assessment study commissioned by the Czech Pirate Party is now available in English. Already in September, the Pirates submitted proposals for cannabis regulation to their government partners.

An executive summary of the impact assessment study on legalisation of cannabis, pushed forward by the Czech Pirates, is now available in English for a wider audience. In September, Pirates submitted a major comprehensive analysis on the impact of regulating the cannabis market to their government partners, including proposals for regulation. The conclusions of the analysis clearly show their benefits, such as tax revenue from EUR 26.5 million to EUR 73 million per year.

“Our regulation will rival Canada’s ambitious legalisation scheme in the context of prevention and harm reduction efforts, and be unmatched on the European playing field regarding its extent. Furthermore, the expansive legalisation impact study conducted by the Pirate Party is the most comprehensive one yet,” says Jana Michailidu, Head of the Pirate Party expert team on Addiction Policy and a member of the National Governmental Addiction Council.

Reform, regulation, taxation

“Reform, regulation, taxation – these are the three pillars with which we as Pirates approach the regulation of the cannabis market. By taxing, we will raise billions of euros a year while avoiding unnecessary spending on repression. In addition, if we manage to launch the regulated market together with the German one, it will mean huge export opportunities for our economy. We also aim to reduce the black market and, in particular, access to cannabis for minors. That’s why we have come up with a model that combines the introduction of a licensed cannabis market like in the US, elements of restrictions on promotion and an information campaign to reduce harm along the lines of Canada, and registration of legal users, similar to Uruguay,” MP Klára Kocmanová says, adding that the Pirates will present the impact analysis, including regulation proposals, to their coalition partners next week.

Chances of success for this legalisation effort look promising in the ruling government coalition. While some members of the coalitions have reservations, many are willing to discuss the proposal. In order to push the law forward, Pirates will use the scientific evidence and data-backed impact study to negotiate the proposal.

EU Pirates start cross-party group on cannabis legalisation

At the European level, the Pirates have started a cross-party group on the legalisation of personal cannabis use. Together with colleagues from several countries and a majority of the political groups, MEP Mikuláš Peksa is advocating for a discussion regarding the outdated patchwork of prohibitive cannabis legislation complicating the lives of EU citizens. “Legalisation of personal cannabis use is a question of personal freedom. European citizens are used to a level of certainty and safety when crossing borders to other EU Member States, and the current state of legalisation of cannabis in different Member States undermines these rights,” says Peksa. The group hopes to exchange information on best practices from Member States with an ongoing legalisation process, organise meetings with experts, and advocate for legalisation at the European level.

Find more information on the Czech Pirates’ initiative here.

Press contacts:

Nikolaus Riss for German and English

Tomáš Polák for Czech and English

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