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It would be a negligence to support Christine Lagarde as head of ECB

The European Pirates will oppose Christine Lagarde becoming the new head of the European Central Bank. The reason is simple – In December 2016, she was found guilty for negligence in protecting public funds.

“President of the ECB is the most important office for protecting our currency. In order to earn trust for Euro as such, the person shall strictly avoid any misconduct,” said Mikuláš Peksa, Pirate member of Economic and monetary affairs committee in the Europen Parliament.

Lagarde was convicted of negligence by the Cour de justice de la République for not protecting public funds sufficiently. As the previous Minister of Economy, she accepted an arbitrary proceeding in litigation opposing the French State and its public Bank Crédit Lyonnais to the famous French businessman Bernard Tapie. When the arbitration decided that the French State should compensate Tapie with a substantial amount of money, 404 million euros, Lagarde did not appeal that arbitration. It was later found out that the arbitration proceeding lacked neutrality as one of the arbitrators had a special relationship with Tapie, and the arbitration was cancelled.

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